So, I was messing around online one day putting off doing any real work (I know), when I came across one of my fave blogs, Deliciously Ella by Ella Woodward. For those not in the know Ella is passionate about using amazing, delicious, vegan food to maximise health and vitality. I’ve got both of her wonderful books and I cook this way for my family a lot. We all love it, even the fussy 3 year old.
But I digress. Ella has a range of witty merchandise for sale bearing tongue-in-cheek slogans like Peace, Love & Kale, Peace, Love & Yoga and Peace, Love & Coconuts. Brilliant! I thought. Love it! But while Peace, Love and Kale is all very well it just wasn't talking to the hardcore Scot in me.
I knew what I had to do...
Peace, Love, Teacakes & Irn-Bru - what more do you need?
What more indeed? I’d love to add to this wee range so please let me know your recommendations for the other essential ingredients of a happy life. Peace, Love & Square Sausage maybe? Or Tatty Scones anyone?
The Irn-Bru and Teacakes mugs are available now to buy right here . Please feel free to share this wee blog with anyone you know who needs some Peace & Love (& Irn-Bru) in their lives right now!
Much peace and love till next time,