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The Epic Frozen Tunnock's Teacake

The Epic Frozen Tunnock's Teacake

George, a bartender from Maryhill, shared this chilling story with me recently. Who'd have thought to freeze a Tunnock's Tea Cake? But I promise you, its well worth exploring. The original and best summer treat.

  1. Buy it. Keep your tea cake in its wrapper; if it's already a bit battered, even better...
  2. Squish it. A light clap is all that's needed, being careful not to break the base
  3. Freeze it.  30 mins should do it, if you have the patience and willpower. If not, you could always eat one while you wait?
  4. Love it! (repeat as necessary)

It may not quite be taps aff weather just yet, but it's definitely t-shirt weather. Our Tunnock's tees are just the thing for Tea Cake fans...

And you can check out my full range of officially licensed range of fun Tunnock's goodies here.

Till next time,PS -  if you've enjoyed this (or just love all things Scottish), please sign up to our mailing list so I can send you my next Scottish Story.
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