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Let the Christmas Madness Begin with our Black Friday Giveaway!

Let the Christmas Madness Begin with our Black Friday Giveaway!
Hello everyone,
I know that for many of you today is the busiest shopping day of the year, so thanks for stopping to read my musings.  This year I'm getting into the spirit of things with a fantastic Black Friday giveaway but as a small business owner I have to admit that I have mixed feelings about the crazy sales that go on across the High Street this weekend. Like lots of independent retailers and designers its just not possible for me to offer those mega discounts and stay afloat.
When I'm not in designer/business-owner/mummy mode I'm a shopper too, so I know that the 'will they, won't they' lure of November sales makes it hard to decide exactly when to part with your hard earned cash! I also know how important it feels to get the best deal, and how disappointing it can be to see the one thing you had to have being sold off at half price a week later. So these days, instead of doing endless sales, discounts and promotions I try my very best to offer originality, great quality, value and service all year round. That said, I do always try to reward my customers where I can – without you  lovely and loyal lot I wouldn't be able to do this thing that I love and I'm so, so grateful for all your support.
All of this meant that some careful consideration went into deciding what to offer my amazing customers this weekend. So, here's the good news! If you're shopping on between now and midnight on Monday the 28th November and spend over £100, I'll give you one of my bestselling Scottish Breakfast Zoom, or Tunnock's Caramel Wafer Wrapper aprons (worth £18) as a big old thank-you from me! These bold and bright aprons make great Christmas presents for men and women and would be just the thing for cooking the Turkey on the 25th! You'll be able to choose the design you like best, so hopefully this is an easy Xmas win and at least one name struck off your list.
If you spend £100 or more (not including postage) all you have to do is type 'Scottish Breakfast Apron' or 'Tunnock's Caramel Apron' in the 'notes' section at checkout. That way the team will know which apron to add to your order – simple! You won't actually see the apron listed with your other items and it won't be mentioned in your order confirmation, but never fear, we promise to send it! Happy shopping all.
Check out my full range here.
Til next time,

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